Twitter (X) suspended in Pakistan, Twitter logo
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Twitter (X) suspended in Pakistan- Twitter, formerly known as X, has been suspended in Pakistan for the fourth consecutive day, leaving users frustrated and seeking answers. The social media platform went dark on February 17th, shortly after the shocking revelation by Liaqat Ali Chattha, the commissioner of Rawalpindi, who admitted to tampering with the recent elections. This unprecedented move has sparked questions about freedom of expression and access to information in the country.

The prolonged Twitter (X) suspension marks the longest blackout in Pakistan’s history, leaving users unable to access their feeds or engage in online discussions. While the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) maintains it played no role in the decision, speculation swirls around political motives behind the ban. The Ministry of Interior, responsible for national security and digital regulations, has yet to provide a clear explanation for the ongoing outage.VPN icon, Twitter (X) suspended in Pakistan

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Desperate for their daily dose of tweets, users are turning to virtual private networks (VPNs) as a workaround. However, this temporary solution highlights the broader concerns about the impact of the Twitter (X) ban on communication and information sharing in Pakistan.

Concerns mount about the chilling effect of the suspension on freedom of expression, a fundamental human right. Activists and digital rights groups have condemned the move, urging the authorities to restore access to the platform immediately.

protest in pakistan

With no official end in sight, the Twitter (X) blackout in Pakistan continues to raise questions and concerns. Will the platform be accessible again soon, or will this silence persist? Only time, and perhaps some official statements, will tell.

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