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Markhor Trophy- In a notable event on Sunday, a United States citizen, Deron James Millman, successfully engaged in the pursuit of a magnificent Markhor at the Tooshi Shasha Conservancy in the Lower Chitral district.

The accomplished hunter, Deron James Millman, procured a trophy hunting permit from the wildlife department, making a record-breaking bid of $232,000, marking it as the highest amount ever tendered in history.

Sources further revealed that the permit for hunting the Markhor, a wild goat indigenous to high-altitude monsoon forests in central Asia, was secured through a competitive bidding process in October.

The wildlife department specified that the captured Markhor’s horn size measured an impressive 45 inches.

In a similar auction held in October of the previous year, the wildlife department in the northernmost territory of the country auctioned hunting permits for Astor Markhors, fetching record prices under the trophy scheme.

Hunting permits are annually issued for various regions, encompassing Gilgit-Baltistan, Tooshi Conservancy in Chitral District, Gehrait Conservancy in Chitral District, and Kaigah Conservancy in Kohistan District.Markhor Trophy

Notably, the highest bid for the associated species of Astor Markhor in the previous year amounted to $167,525.

The innovative concept of trophy hunting has yielded positive outcomes, contributing to the increase in the Markhor population. As part of the trophy hunting program, local communities receive 80% of the license fee, while the government retains the remainder. The licensing fee varies, determined through a competitive bidding process.

Furthermore, the program strictly targets only old and male Markhors, identifiable by their horns, gait, and body structure. This initiative stands out as a significant success in biodiversity preservation in Pakistan.

The trophy hunting program has not only contributed to conservation efforts but has also instilled new ethical standards within the concerned communities. These communities now view their wild game species as an economic asset worth protecting.

The Markhor, recognized as the national animal of Pakistan, enjoys protection under local and international laws, including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).


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