PDMA Forecasts Rainfall and Heatwaves for May
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The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has projected a forthcoming bout of rainfall and Heatwaves for the current month, with northern Punjab slated to receive moderate precipitation, while other areas may encounter lighter showers, as disclosed by a PDMA representative.

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In light of this forecast, the PDMA has issued advisories to farmers in the Potohar region to implement preventive measures to safeguard their wheat crops against potential damage. Furthermore, the looming westerly system may trigger dust and hailstorms, prompting the PDMA to caution about potential risks to crops and infrastructure, including the possibility of landslides in mountainous terrain.

With temperatures expected to escalate in May, particularly in southern plains, the PDMA is bracing for the likelihood of heatwaves and has emphasized the importance of heightened vigilance among administrations, as highlighted by the Director-General of PDMA.

Moreover, in line with the Meteorological Office’s seasonal outlook, which forecasts near-normal rainfall across most regions of the country from May to July, there’s a projection of slightly above-normal rainfall in 2024 for northeastern catchments of Punjab, southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and certain parts of southern Sindh.

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