Pakistan General Elections 2024
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The rigging allegations surrounding the Pakistan General Elections 2024 in Pakistan on 8 February have raised concerns from both the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK).

In an official statement, the US State Department acknowledged the significant voter turnout in Pakistan’s elections, emphasizing the participation of various demographic groups. They praised the efforts of poll workers, civil society, journalists, and election observers in safeguarding Pakistan’s democratic and electoral institutions. The US called for timely and comprehensive election results that truly represent the will of the Pakistani people.

We join credible international and local election observers in their assessment that these elections included undue restrictions on freedoms of expression, association, and peaceful assembly. We condemn electoral violence, restrictions on the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including attacks on media workers, and restrictions on access to the Internet and telecommunication services, and are concerned about allegations of interference in the electoral process. Claims of interference or fraud should be fully investigated.

The US affirmed its readiness to collaborate with the upcoming Pakistani government, irrespective of political affiliation, to advance shared interests. This includes supporting Pakistan’s economy through trade and investment, strengthening democratic institutions, promoting human rights, and enhancing security cooperation.

Read More: Election Commission of Pakistan Faces Backlash Amidst Delayed Results for General Election 2024

In a separate official statement, the UK’s Foreign Secretary highlighted the close and longstanding relationship between the UK and Pakistan. While commending those who participated in the elections, the UK expressed serious concerns about the fairness and inclusivity of the electoral process.

We recognise, however, serious concerns raised about the fairness and lack of inclusivity of the elections. We regret that not all parties were formally permitted to contest the elections and that legal processes were used to prevent some political leaders from participation, and to prevent the use of recognisable party symbols. We also note the restrictions imposed on internet access on polling day, significant delays to the reporting of results and claims of irregularities in the counting process.

The UK urged Pakistani authorities to uphold fundamental human rights, including free access to information and the rule of law. Emphasizing the right to a fair trial and an independent judicial system, the UK called for adherence to due process free from interference.

The UK stressed the importance of electing a civilian government with a mandate for crucial reforms and accountability to the people. They expressed the commitment to work with Pakistan’s next government across shared interests and emphasized the need for representation that considers the interests of all citizens and communities with equity and justice.

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