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1.Revolutionary phone battery

A Chinese startup, Betavolt, claims to have developed a groundbreaking nuclear battery that could power smartphones for an astonishing 50 years without the need for charging.

2. Miniaturizing Atomic Energy

Betavolt, based in Beijing, asserts that their nuclear battery achieves a remarkable feat by miniaturizing atomic energy. The company claims to have placed 63 nuclear isotopes into a module smaller than a coin, as reported by The Independent.

3. The Next-Generation Battery

The battery operates by converting energy released from decaying isotopes into electricity, a process initially explored in the 20th century. Betavolt terms this innovation as the next-generation battery and is currently in the pilot testing phase, with plans for mass production.

4. Diverse Commercial Applications

Betavolt envisions commercial applications beyond smartphones, stating that their atomic energy batteries can meet the long-lasting power supply needs in aerospace, AI equipment, medical devices, microprocessors, advanced sensors, small drones, and micro-robots.

5. Impressive Technical Specifications

The first nuclear battery from Betavolt boasts delivering 100 microwatts of power and a 3V voltage within a compact size of 15x15x5 cubic millimeters. The company aims to produce a 1-watt power battery by 2025.

6. Endless Possibilities for Power

The small size of these batteries allows for series use, potentially leading to phones that never require charging and drones with perpetual flight. Betavolt’s layered design emphasizes safety, claiming resistance to catching fire or exploding, even in response to sudden forces.

7. Innovative Design and Functionality

To create this revolutionary battery, Betavolt scientists utilized nickel-63 as the energy source and diamond semiconductors as energy converters. The modular design allows for multiple batteries to be connected for higher energy output, catering to various applications like automotive technology and AI systems.

8. Addressing Radiation Concerns

Betavolt addresses concerns about radiation, emphasizing the safety of their battery. They claim that it lacks external radiation and is suitable for use in medical devices inside the human body, such as pacemakers and cochlea implants.

9. Environmental Friendliness

The company asserts that their atomic energy batteries are environmentally friendly. Post-decay, the 63 isotopes turn into a stable, non-radioactive copper isotope, posing no environmental threat or pollution.

10. Safety Assurance and Beyond

Betavolt highlights the safety of their BV100 battery, claiming it will not catch fire or explode in response to punctures or even gunshots. This contrasts with current batteries that can be unsafe if damaged or exposed to high temperatures.

11. Global Context and Historical Perspective

The quest to miniaturize and commercialize nuclear batteries aligns with global initiatives. The technology, initially developed for spacecraft and scientific stations, could revolutionize electronics by eliminating the need for chargers or portable power banks.

12. Unlimited Power Potential

Under China’s 14th Five-Year Plan, efforts to develop this technology aim to strengthen the country’s economy between 2021 and 2025. The promise of unlimited power potential could lead to continuously flying drones, phones that run without interruption, and electric cars that don’t require recharging

Read more: Dusk News Tech

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