Pakistan Imran Khan
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Pakistan Imran Khan, the former cricketer turned politician, is known for his charismatic and determined personality. A principled leader, he exudes passion for justice, anti-corruption efforts, and socio-economic reforms. With a reputation for resilience imran khan, Khan is often seen as a visionary committed to transforming Pakistan. His leadership style reflects a mix of charisma, pragmatism, and a focus on national development. He has maintained a strong public appeal, particularly among the youth. His ability to connect with different segments of the population has contributed to his success in both cricket and politics. During Khan’s tenure as Prime Minister, his government initiated several programs and policies in various areas. Some of the key initiatives included:

Main Initiatives of Pakistan Imran Khan Government

  1. Roshan Digital Account: Pakistan Imran Khan government introduced the Roshan Digital Account initiative to facilitate overseas Pakistanis in opening bank accounts online. More than 5.0 billion USD deposited in RDA account by the overseas pakistani which shows the investor and depositor confidence on Pakistan Imran Khan Government. This program aimed to attract foreign investment and increase remittances by providing a digital platform for financial transactions. Khan RDA
  2. Subsidized Home Loan: In order to the need of housing for poor and middle class subsidized home loan scheme were introduced by the Khan Government. Interest rates for the loan were range between 3% to 9 % depends on the amount, tenure and size of house/plot.Imran Khan Home Loan
  3. Sehat Sahulat Program: The government’s health card initiative, known as the Sehat Sahulat Program, provided health insurance coverage to underprivileged families. All citizens of Pak earning less than $2/day can access this program and receive free medical care, as surveyed under Ehsaas Kafaala. This program aimed to improve access to healthcare services and reduce the financial burden of medical expenses on low-income households.Imran Khan Sehat Sahulat programe
  4. Ehsaas Programme: The Ehsaas Program, a flagship initiative, focused on social welfare and poverty alleviation. This program started for poor people and even those with no monthly income or less than 25000 rupees, ladies with no income source, students. It included various components such as cash transfer programs, interest-free loans for small businesses, and initiatives to address food insecurity, with the goal of uplifting the socio-economic conditions of the underprivileged.Imran Khan Ehsaas programe
  5. Langar Khana: The Langar Khana initiative aimed to address food insecurity by providing free meals at designated centers across the country. At Ehsaas Langar Khana, workers, day laborers, and the needy can eat two meals a day for free. This welfare program aimed to ensure that no one goes hungry and to alleviate the immediate nutritional needs of vulnerable communities.Imran Khan langar Khana
  6. Single National Curriculum: The government worked on implementing a Single National Curriculum to standardize and improve the quality of education across the country. This initiative aimed to create a uniform educational system, providing equal opportunities.  Imran Khan SNC
  7. IT and Freelancing Initiatives: The country looks towards the digital economy to boost its dollar inflows. Pakistan Imran Khan’s government focused on promoting the IT sector .Major incentives, including tax exemptions, to facilitate the IT sector, freelancers and startups were initiated. Special foreign currency accounts were introduced where freelancers can keep their earning in foreign currency. Various initiatives were introduced to train and equip the youth with digital skills, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the information technology domain.Imran Khan IT Initiative
  8. Kamyab Jawan Program: The Kamyab Jawan Program sought to empower the youth by providing financial and technical assistance to start their own businesses. All men/women holding CNIC, aged between 21 and 45 years with entrepreneurial potential are eligible. This initiative aimed to address unemployment and promote entrepreneurship among young people.Imran Khan Kamyab jawan
  9. Crackdown on Sugar Mafia and Petrol Mafia: The government took decisive actions against powerful interest groups in the sugar and petrol industries, aiming to curb monopolistic practices and ensure fair market conditions. Special investigation were started against sugar cartel by federal investigation of pakistan. Also action were taken against sugar hoarder and mafia involved in smuggling of sugar.These efforts were part of a broader agenda to promote transparency and accountability in economic sectors.
  10. Health Reforms: Pakistan Imran Khan government initiated reforms in the health sector, aiming to improve healthcare infrastructure, enhance medical services, and address systemic challenges.Mobile health units we introduced for remote areas providing better healthcare access to the general population. Doctors were encouraged to start their private medical practice in Govt hospitals. Imran Khan Health reforms
  11. Exports Increased and Textile Growth: The government implemented policies to boost exports, leading to increased foreign exchange earnings. In particular, the textile sector experienced growth, with measures taken to support and promote this vital industry, contributing significantly to the country’s economic development. Record GDP and export growth were observed in 3.5 years of Pakistan Imran Khan Government
        1. Export and textile growth
  12. Highest GDP: The Pakistan Imran Khan government’s economic policies and reforms contributed to achieving a notable increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), reflecting positive trends in overall economic performance and stability. Pak economic growth rate accelerated to 6% during the last year of Pakistan Imran Khan’s govt – the highest pace in four years – helping to increase the size of the nation’s economy to $383 billion besides jacking up per-capita income.GDP Growth
  13. Clean and Green Pakistan: The Clean and Green Pakistan Imran Khan Government campaign focused on addressing environmental challenges, promoting tree planting, and improving overall cleanliness in the country. This initiative aimed to create a healthier and more sustainable living environment.Clean and green Pakistan
  14. Anti-Corruption Measures: The govt expressed a commitment to combating corruption and improving governance. Various measures, including investigations and legal actions, were taken to address corruption within different sectors of the govt and society.
  15. Foreign Policy Initiatives: The govt worked on enhancing diplomatic relations with various countries, promoting peace in the region, and representing Pakistan’s interests on the global stage.
  16. Economic Growth and Development: While facing economic challenges, efforts were made to stabilize the economy, attract foreign investment, and promote economic growth. The govt implemented policies to address fiscal issues and encourage industries, including the textile sector.
  17. Islamophobia Day: Prime Minister pakistan Imran Khan was the first Muslim leader to raise the issue of Islamophobia at the UN in his maiden address to the UN General Assembly .The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by consensus which was introduced by Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN, on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation that proclaimed March 15 as ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia’.

Imran Khan

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