Career Opportunity: Job Openings in Karachi Textile Industry

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Position: Industrial Engineer – Textile Factory

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Are you ready for an exciting career opportunity and Job Openings in Karachi textile Industry? We are currently hiring an Industrial Engineer for our Textile Factory in Karachi.


  • B.E. in Industrial & Manufacturing


  • Minimum of 1 year of relevant experience

Key Qualities:

  1. Strong written and verbal communication skills
  2. Proficiency in Lean Tools, Process mapping, waste reduction techniques & Line Balancing
  3. Familiarity with MS Office, VISIO, ERP, or SAP


  • SITE Area, Karachi, Pakistan

Read Also: Dusk News Careers & Jobs

Interested candidates are invited to submit their resumes to with the Position Title “IE” in the Subject Line.

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted by the company

Ensure you seize this chance to become a valuable member of energetic team!

1 thought on “Career Opportunity: Job Openings in Karachi Textile Industry”

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